Networking 2.0

Securing data, the pipe, and devices on the network today is broken.

It is too complex, time consuming, and expensive. We believe that a new approach to networking, Networking 2.0, can solve this challenge and also create opportunities for totally new and unimagined experiences.

We have created the building blocks—a unique protocol and SDKs—that allow people to quickly and easily create Networking 2.0 products and services. Our unique technology is decentralized and open-source, but it is not blockchain. It makes it possible to efficiently secure devices and data, at scale. Atsign’s technology lets you focus forward, on innovation and growth, instead of being governed by security hassles and limitations.

We are excited about Networking 2.0’s potential to help everyone and every thing connected to the Internet.

Here are just some of the key principles and how you can start imagining, building, networking and securing with a Networking 2.0 mindset.

Networking 1.0 vs 2.0

Data Storage
Encryption Keys
Network attack surface
Firewalls & VPNs
Data ownership
Networking 1.0
IP Address
Network encryption + Optional data encryption
Centrally managed
Managed & Monitored
Must have
Very little control
Networking 2.0
Simple string
Edge-to-edge encryption
Cut at the edge with the data/device owner
Nothing to attack
Not necessary
Owner has full control

Atsign technology includes components for building and deploying:

  • The open internet protocol built on TCP/IP, called the atProtocol
  • Free open source SDKs
  • The atDirectory with unique addresses called atSigns
  • Optional hosting and managed services of the atServers for each atSign

Enabling Networking 2.0 with Atsign


Complete end-to-end encrypted communication between any two endpoints through open source protocol


Quick implimentation of Networking 2.0


All people, organizations, and devices to be addressable

Optional Hosting

Quick and easy go-to-market

How Networking 2.0
is being implemented

Networking 2.0 is being implemented in several ways. Innovators and early adopters are conceiving new experiences and products, simplifying and securing infrastructure, locking down IoT Gateways, and developing privacy-first apps.

New Products

Secure connected infrastructure


Privacy first apps