Atsign Granted Patent for the atProtocol





Patent Granted!

We’ve reached a major milestone! Atsign® was officially granted US Patent No. 11,849,053-B2 for our work on the revolutionary atProtocol®. 

This patent is a concrete recognition of the power of Atsign’s implementation of Networking 2.0 technology, and its ability to change the way people and things interact on the Internet. 

Furthermore, we honor and remember our late co-founder, Kevin Nickels, whose name will continue to live on through this patent. Kevin’s dream of a better Internet continues to flourish with the technology he so passionately supported and built. 

The atProtocol

The atProtocol is an open network protocol based on Networking 2.0 principles. By providing security and privacy at the protocol level, the atProtocol eliminates the need for the traditional add-on security layers such as firewalls and VPNs. 

The atProtocol can be used in conjunction with desktop and mobile apps, IoT devices, enterprise applications, or any other software that uses a network to send and/or receive data. 

Using the atProtocol

SSH No Ports is a remote access tool utilizing the atProtocol. SSH No Ports allows sysadmins to close port 22 on devices, providing an unprecedented level of SSH security.   

To get started, take advantage of the free trial using code: 30dayfreetrial

We actively reach out to people using the product, but if you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to us at 

Let’s Work Together

We love collaborating with our partners. We have a number of exciting projects securing devices across a range of industries, including healthcare, OEMs, smart cities, and utilities to name a few. In fact, we have yet to find an industry where our technology doesn’t fit in seamlessly.

To set up a meeting, email


Atsign’s Zero Trust Planes

Learn how Atsign’s innovative use of control, data, and policy planes revolutionizes data transmission, eliminating vulnerabilities associated with VPNs and firewalls.

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