Atsign Joins LoRa Alliance

Atsign Joins LoRa Alliance

ARTICLE Atsign Joins LoRa Alliance     What Matters We’ve joined the LoRa Alliance! The alliance is a non-profit working to standardize Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN). LoRaWAN is an LPWAN protocol that enables communication between devices.  Atsign and...
Secure Your Radio Station with Networking 2.0

Secure Your Radio Station with Networking 2.0

ARTICLE Secure Your Radio Station Networking 2.0 keeps those radio waves free from interference   If you don’t want your radio station to be hacked by a Scandinavian rock-music-loving hacker, then you need Atsign’s Networking 2.0 technology. After KRYZ Radio in...
Secure RDP Using SSH No Ports

Secure RDP Using SSH No Ports

ARTICLE Secure RDP Using SSH No Ports   What Matters Secure RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) is now supported using SSH No Ports and Networking 2.0 technology. We know how important it is to be able to access your desktop quickly and securely from anywhere. RDP...
ROI with Networking 2.0

ROI with Networking 2.0

ARTICLE ROI with Networking 2.0 73% Cost Savings with Radically Simple Security and Privacy     You will often see estimated costs for cybersecurity as 10-15% of an IT budget, but this only accounts for the hardware/software that is required to secure the...