What is an atSign?
atSigns are addresses that uniquely identify and locate people, entities, and things in Networking 2.0 applications or environments. They are used to securely and privately route data between any two endpoints on the Internet.
What can I do with my atSign?
atSigns are used with products and apps that have been developed on the atPlatform.
SSH No Ports is a secure remote access solution that allows you to connect to devices without the need for any open network ports. It’s ideal for use in complex network environments, or for easily reaching devices behind firewalls.
You can also use your atSign with apps that have been developed on the atPlatform. In fact, your atSign replaces the traditional username/password setup; instead of having to remember multiple usernames and passwords, you only need one atSign to engage with all of the atPlatform apps.
To get started, activate your atSign by pairing it with any atPlatform app. Once activated, your atSign will work with all existing and yet-to-be-released atPlatform apps.